LFY-252 Hydrostatic Pressure Tester for Protective Clothing

LFY-252 Hydrostatic Pressure Tester for Protective Clothing

The main purpose
It is used to determine the impermeable acid and alkali resistance-hydrostatic pressure resistance of breathable acid-base protective clothing materials.
Working principle
The hydrostatic pressure resistance of the fabric is used to express the resistance encountered by the test solution through the fabric. Under the atmospheric pressure of 101.325kPa, the underside of the sample is subjected to a continuously rising liquid pressure. Until there are three leaks, and record the height of the liquid column at this time, which is called the hydrostatic pressure resistance of the fabric.
Technical index
1. Test solution: different concentrations of acid and alkali
2. Rising rate of test solution: (60±3) cm/min
3. Maximum pressure: 150mm liquid column
4. Range: 0~150mm liquid column
Applicable standards
GB 24539-2021 Protective clothing—Chemical protective clothing, Appendix H