You still need to wear a mask after getting the new crown vaccine
Source:本站 Time:2021/5/7 9:22:44 frequency:
GB 2626-2006 Respiratory protective equipment: the total inhalation resistance of the mask is not more than 350pa, and the total exhalation resistance is not more than 250pa;
LFY-711 respiratory resistance tester
GB 19083 Medical protective mask: In the case of a gas flow rate of 85L/min, the inhalation resistance shall not exceed 343.2pa (35mmH2O);
LFY-706C particulate matter filtration efficiency and airflow resistance tester
GB/T 32610 daily protective mask: the inhalation resistance of the mask is less than or equal to 175pa; the exhalation resistance is less than or equal to 145pa;
LFY-711 respiratory resistance tester
YY/T 0969 disposable medical mask: ventilation resistance is not more than 49pa/cm2。
LFY-709 Medical Mask Gas Exchange Pressure Difference Tester